In 2012 the services of Janet Bishop (details at bottom of page) were employed to research the archives as the National Archives of Scotland for records related to Baile na Cille / Uig church. Janet’s notes are provided below (including references to documents with no mention to Uig church), although minor editing as been undertaken around any sensitive matters.
The Seaforth Muniments accessible below (click italic/underlined record references) are preproduced by the kind permission of Mr Andrew Matheson, Brahan.
The Church of Uig
Documents in GD46, Seaforth Muniments
(placed in date order)
GD46/1/212 – 1765-1795 – Volume of Lewis Leases – Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
GD46/1/213 – 1781-1795 – Volume of Lewis Leases – Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
GD46/12/1 – 1785-1791 – Discharge of Minister’s stipends. Including; GD46/12/01/21; GD46/12/01/22; GD46/12/01/27A
GD46/6/23 – 1791 – Recruiting parties on Uig – Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
GD46/4/232 – 1793 – Riots on Uig – Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
GD46/1/274 – 9 September 1795 – Tack by Peter Fairbairn, commissioner for Francis Humberstone Mackenzie of Seaforth, to the Reverend Mr Hugh Munro, Minister of Uig, of the lands of Balnakyle and Timsgary …
GD46/1/283 – 1811 – Removal of Uig tenants – Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
GD46/1/284 – 1812-1815 – Tack of Lands in the parish of Uig – No relevance to the study, the Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
GD46/1/285 – 1812 – Tack of Lands in the parish of Uig – Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
GD46/1/144 – 1814-1828 – Seaforth Accounts – Factory Accounts Only
GD46/1/571 – Callernish 11 Oct 1828 – Letter by Alexander Stewart, factor in Lewis, to J A Stewart MacKenzie including outlays on the church and schoolhouse at Uig …
GD46/1/530 Bundles 1-3 (documents 1-65) only – 1828-1835 – Letters by Alexander Stewart, factor of Lewis, to J A Stewart Mackenzie of Seaforth and Mrs Stewart Mackenzie. Mostly about shipping, leases and family matters. Including; GD46/1/530/23 UFP; GD46/1/530/59 UFP; GD46/1/530/05; GD46/1/530/34
GD46/1/337 – 1 Nov 1830 – Ordinary Receipts and Expenditures of the parishes of Lochs, Uig and Barvas belonging to J A Stewart MacKenzie of Seaforth Esquire for the 3 years preceding 1 November 1830. The document is not broken down into individual parishes but only provides overall figures for all three parishes
GD46/1/315 – 1833 – Repairs to farmhouse at Skaliscrow – Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
GD46/1/584 0 1 November 1833, 19 September 1835 – Remittances by Thomas Knox to Thomas Mansfield Esq, for the parishes of Stornoway, Lochs, Uig and Barvas. The document is not broken down into individual parishes but only provides overall figures for all three parishes
GD46/12/63 – 1834 – Letter by Alexander McLeod, minister of Uig, to J A Stewart Mackenzie of Seaforth MP, requesting him to present two petitions to the House of Commons from the parish of Uig for the abolition of church patronage and for better observance of the Sabbath. Although the covering letter has survived the petitions have not.
GD46/1/323 – 1836 – Rentals, and disposal of present occupiers – Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
GD46/9/6 – 1837-1841 – Letters from Ceylon – Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
GD46/12/45 – 1843 – Letter regarding the choice of a site for the new Free Church of “Uii” – Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
GD46/12/48 – 1844, 1848 – Letters concerning the Free Church – Church of Uig not specifically mentioned
Presbytery Records, Lewis
CH2/473/2/1 et seq
CH2/473/2/9 – 1820, November 28th – Appointment of Mr Kenneth Chisholm as Schoolmaster at the Parochial School of Uig “which had been vacant for some time”
CH2/473/2/13 – 1821, May 22nd – Presbytery Meeting at Tong “The Revd Hugh Munro, Minister of Uig, was unavoidably absent”
CH2/473/2/23 – 1822, April 24th – Ordination of “Mr Alexander Simson, Preacher of the Gospel, in order to render his ministerial labours more extensively useful as Assistant to Mr Munro, Minister of this parish”
Record: CH2/473/2/23
CH2/473/2/27 – 1823, December 3rd – “A Royal Presentation to the vacant Parish of Uig in favour of the Revd Alexander Macleod minister of the Gaelic Chapel at Cromarty …”
Record: CH2/473/2/27
CH2/473/2/29 – 1824, April 21st – The Revd Mr Alexander Macleod preached and was unanimously approved by the congregation
Record: CH2/473/2/29
CH2/473/2/37-48 – 1826, January 18th – “… The petition of the Revd Alexander Macleod, Minister of Uig, Humbly Sheweth that the petitioner was inducted and settled as Minister of the Parish of Uig about two years ago and that hitherto he and his parishioners have laboured under the greatest inconvenience for want of church accommodation wherefore it became unavoidable on the part of your petitioner to preach in the open air during the Summer and Winter Sabbaths of said period to the danger of his own health and that of his people …”
1826, March 1st – Consideration of Revd Mr Macleod’s petition relative to the glebe of the parish of Uig
Record: CH2/473/2/37-48
CH2/473/2/53 – 1827, March 28th – Mr Alexander MacLeod, and other Ministers, chosen Commissioners to the General Assembly
Record: CH2/473/2/53
CH2/473/2/133 – 1833, August 5th – The Minister of Uig, Mr Alexander MacLeod, proposed Donald MacRae and John Finlayson for examination by the Presbytery preparatory to being admitted to the Hall as Students of Divinity
CH2/473/2/178 – 1841, Nov 24th – Mr Alexander McColl examined and appointed as schoolmaster of the Parish of Uig
CH2/473/2/190 – 1843, August 8th – “ … The Presbytery resolved to declare all the parishes Vacant of which the Minister had seceded from the Establishment as soon as they can perform that duty …”
Record: CH2/473/2/190
CH2/473/2/199 – 1844, July 11th – John Bethune lodged a Crown Presentation to the Church and Parish of Uig together with his letter of acceptance & a Certificate of his having qualified to Government. The Clerk therefore requested of him to call a mutiny pro re nata to consider the said presentation
Record: CH2/473/2/199
John Bethune’s presentation was rejected
Record: CH2/473/2/202
CH2/473/2/208-210 – 1845, February 4th – Mr David Watson was invited to become Minister of the Parish of Uig
Record: CH2/473/2/208-210
CH2/473/2/212-216 – 1845, March 4th – “… access cannot be got to the Church of Uig …”
Record: CH2/473/2/212-216
CH2/473/2/240 – 1848, August 29th – Mr George Morrison, Interim teacher at the Parochial School of Uig, was “elected to be their schoolmaster of that parish”
CH2/473/2/294 – 1852, March 31st – The health of the Minister of Uig “often interferes with the regular discharge of [his] duties”
CH2/473/2/354 – 1856, [November ?] – A petition in favour of the Revd Roderick Nicholson … “to the Church and Parish of Uig vacant by the death of the Revd David Watson… “
Record: CH2/473/2/354
1857, February 10th – Revd Roderick Nicholson renounced his presentation
1857, March 4th – Presentation to the Church and Parish of Uig from the Crown in favour of Revd James Gunn of Cross
Record: CH2/473/2/356-358
Presbytery Records, Lewis – CH2/473/3/1 et seq
CH2/473/3/14 – 1833, September 27th – Peter MacLean elected schoolmaster of Uig
Record: CH2/473/3/14
Presbytery Records, Lewis – CH2/473/4/1 et seq
CH2/473/4/27 – 1859, February 3rd – “… the Parish of Uig having become vacant by the death of the late Rev James Gunn, the Queen, as Patron, had been pleased to grant a presentation in favour of the Revd Rod. Fraser, Minister of Cross, to supply the said vacancy”
Record: CH22/473/4/27
CH2/473/4/39 – 1859, June 29th – Donald Fraser elected as schoolmaster of Uig
CH2/473/4/101 – 1863, March 26th – Report of Collections
Record: CH2/473/4/101
CH2/473/4/133 – 1868, March 25th – Mentions of the Minister’s problems in finding a suitable teacher for the Parochial School of Uig
Record: CH2/473/4/133
CH2/473/4/159, 163, 171-183, 195-197 – 1871, February 14th and for at least the ensuing year. [Circumstances] about the Minister of Uig, Mr Roderick Fraser. He later went on to claim leave of absence
Record: CH2/473/4/159, 163, 171-183, 195-197
Mr Fraser then went on to produce a medical certificate describing his illness as “irritative dyspepsia”. Services at Uig were conducted by visiting ministers, but no suitable applications were received from prospective Assistant Ministers
1873, April 16th
Draft Libel against Mr Roderick Fraser, Minister of Uig
Record: CH2/473/4/207-213
There then followed several adjournments of the case against Roderick Fraser.
The rest of the case against him is noted as being entered on a separate record
SC33/17/1874/32, The Presbytery of Lewis vs Reverend Roderick Fraser, 1874
Stornoway Sheriff Court.
1874, April 23rd
There were several appeals and petitions in the case of the Revd Roderick Fraser, Minister of Uig, copies of which were laid before the Presbytery.
1874, July 10th
Roderick Fraser and his solicitor appeared before the Presbytery, but the witnesses failed to appear and the case was adjourned
Record: CH2/473/4/243-249
There were several appeals during the period in which the case was appearing before the Presbytery.
1875, April 2nd
A judgement was given by the Presbytery in the case of Mr Roderick Fraser, but his agent then made an appeal to the General Assembly
Record: CH2/473/4/265-267
1875, June 9th
Roderick Fraser was deposed as Minister of Uig
Record: CH2/463/4/267 (as above)
1875, June 9th
The Church of Uig was declared vacant
1875, July 21st
“Mr Campbell reported that when he was at Uig, under orders from the General Assembly, he found the church in a shamefully dilapidated condition, and the manse and offices sadly out of repair …”
The Presbytery communicated with Sir James Mathieson, sole heritor of the parish of Uig, … to express the hope of the Presbytery that Sir James will see it to be his duty to take himself the initiative in deciding to have the necessary repairs to the ecclesiastical buildings effected with the least possible delay …”
The Presbytery also discussed the terms of filling the vacancy in the church of Uig
Record: CH2/473/4/269
1875 April 10th
The Presbytery had received no response from the heritor
Record: CH2/473/273
1875, September 28th
Letter from the Factor regarding repairs to the church and manse of Uig
Record: CH2/473/4/277
1875, December 17th
Memorial from Uig in favour of Mr Angus McIver as Minister
The call was made to Mr McIver on 29th December 1875
Record: CH2/473/4/283=285
1876, January 11th
Installation of Mr Angus McIver as Minister of Uig
Report on Uig Church
Record: CH2/473/4/287
1876, March 29th
Mentions of the glebe of Uig
Record: CH2/473/4/289
1876, June 21st
Site chosen for a church on the Island of Bernera in the parish of Uig, the Minister of Uig to visit and report
1883, March 28th
“The Records of the Kirk Session and the Communion Roll of the parish of Uig were examined and attested
Table of Returns on Presbyterial Superintendence for year 1885
Included Uig
Record: CH2/473/4/409 CH2/473/4/409
Table of Returns on Presbyterial Superintendence for year 1886
Included Uig
Record: CH2/473/4/422
1887, November 30th
Mentions of the Mission at Islavaig in the parish of Uig, and The Revd Angus McIver’s comments on its usefulness, and the necessity of repairs to the Mission House
Record: CH2/473/4/441
1888, March 28th
The Minister of Uig stated his desire to let out his glebe
Record: CH2/473/4/444
1889, August 14th
Tendering of resignation of Revd Angus McIver as Minister of Uig
Record: CH2/474/4/469
1889, April 11th
Feelings of the Uig Congregation re their Minister’s resignation
Record: CH2/473/4/471
1890, Sept 22nd
Admission of Mr MacPhail as Minister of UIg
Record: CH2/473/4/479
1890, May 9th
Brenish and Isalvaig identified as “an outlying district in the parish of Uig at a distance of eight miles from the church”. There were 278 parishioners in these townships
1890, November 26th
The glebe of Uig, “of little of no value to the minister” was let at a rent of £40 a year
1893, March 29th
Requirement for part of the land of the Uig glebe for a road.
Record: CH2/473/4/521-525
1900, 27th June
Discussions were still going on regarding the construction of the road through the glebe of Uiog
1901, April 10th
Petition from the Kirk Session of Uig regarding the use of music in church services
Record: CH2/473/5/87
The disputes about the use of music, and especially organs, in churches, continued, making references to Acts from as early as 1693
1904, 30th March
A communication from the General Assembly asked for approval of the new Gaelic Hymnal
“The Revd Mr MacPhail, Uig, moved disapproval of the Hymnal. … The proposal for the new Gaelic Hymnal finding no seconder, Mr MacPhails motion became the finding of the meeting”
Record: CH2/473/5/109
Decision also taken to build a church and mission house at Braenish in the parish of Uig
1905, 16th August
Proposal to translate Mr John McPhail to Minister of Cross parish
Record: CH2/473/5/119-121
1905, August
Proposals and Replies for the enlargement of the burial ground at Balnakill
Record: CH2/473/5/121-123
1906, August 10th
Intimation of the admission of Revd Allan MacKenzie as Minister of Uig
Record: CH2/473/5/122
1907, February 20th
The need for a road though the glebe of Uig was still being stressed by the ratepayers of Uig, who were offering to give a portion of the common pasture in exchange for the part of the glebe.
Permission was granted with various provisions
Record: CH2/473/5/145
The Local Council, in the form of the Congested District Board, were not willing to allow any portion of their grant for the road to be used for fencing of roads
The road was also to allow the people of Crowlista to get to and from the village with some measure of comfort
1912, November
The Rev Allan MacKenzie reported that the new church at Aird Uig had been opened free of debt…
Record: CH2/473/5/203
1919, March 25th
The Parish of Uig had 9 Kirk Elders, 75 Communicants, and there were 5 baptisms in the parish during 1919
1919, June 25th
Mr Allan Mackenzie, Minister at Uig, was appointed to the parish of Rogart
Record: CH2/473/5/245
A Committee was appointed to look after the interests of the Manse and Glebe of Uig
The Church and Parish of Uig were declared vacant 10th August 1919
The Presbytery Records end at this point
Total Pages examined in each volume
CH2/473/1 118 pages
CH2/473/2 361 pages
CH2/473/3 15 pages
CH2/473/4 662 pages
CH2/473/5 252 pages
Total 1408 pages examined
Genealogist: Janet M Bishop, FSA Scot, ASGRA, Member of AGRA
e-mail: jb.bishop@virgin.net
website: www.genealogyscotland.net